Noam Ofir
Israele, 1972 – Vive e lavora ad Ibiza. La sua passione per la fotografia nasce all’età di dodici anni, con la macchina fotografica regalatagli dal padre, passione che da allora non ha mai abbandonato. Studia presso l’ICP di New York (International Center of Photography). Specializzato in fotografia di moda, erotica, viaggi e documentari, Noam Ofir ha esposto a Milano, New York, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Parigi, Sidney, Tel Aviv, Ibiza ed altre città.
Noam Ofir, born in Israel in 1972. His photography career began before he realized it , at the age of 12. The excitement about the camera he got then as a present from his father never faded. Noam went on to study photography in New York at the International Center of Photography (ICP). On his photography path over the years, Noam specialized in a few fields – Fashion, Documentary, Erotic, Travel, and Fine Art photography. His passion for collecting images inspired his travel around the world. Noam’s work has been exhibited in various cities around the globe: Milan, New York, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Sydney, Tel Aviv, Ibiza and many others.