Victor Spinelli

New York – 29 Agosto 1966
Bachelors in Arts e laurea in architettura all’università di Buffalo, New York, nel 1988. Victor Spinelli ha documentato, attraverso la sua macchina fotografica, culture, religioni, usi, costumi, sensazioni, profumi.
Le sue fotografie hanno fatto il giro del globo, regalando emozioni, ed ottenendo riconoscimenti a livello mondiale. Durante gli ultimi quindici anni, Victor Spinelli ha vissuto tra Los Angeles, New York ed il bacino del Mediterraneo, privilegiando la Grecia, la Spagna e l’Italia, evolvendosi in un artista Multi-mediale.

Where do I start? Well, I’ve never won a photography award. I earned a Bachelors of Arts degree in Architecture from the University of Buffalo and becoming an Eagle Scout taught me how to live a rich fulfilling life. Since then I have traveled through 60+ countries. In the early 1990’s I became a commercial hot air balloon pilot-instructor and started a rag tag but successful Hot Air Balloon sky diving and bungee jumping business. I actually own a World Record (unofficial) for having the oldest lady, Grace Tall, then 75 years old, to bungee jump from my balloon as I was piloting. Moving forward, with camera in hand, I have for the past 15 years split my time between New York, the Mediterranean and California and have evolved my artistry into several multi-media directions by working on films, commercials, music videos, documentaries and print campaigns. After working for three summers in Mykonos, Greece photographing the island life, I was drawn to another island in the Mediterranean: Ibiza, Spain. These experiences of mine drive and fuel my creative spirit. I think everything is possible through a positive outlook. Since 2007 I have successfully steered my company, Camera Verité LLC to a distribution base of over 30 countries and such commercial success on such a cultural level are engraving certain images into our 21st century society.

Victor Spinelli is one of Ibiza’s most celebrated photographers. With two books under his belt – ‘Manumission Reflections’ and ‘Camera Verité’ – not to mention publishing credits that range from Newsweek and National Geographic Traveller to Cosmo and Playboy, the list of his achievements is as long as it is credible.



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